God Talks Online

Discuss topics of faith and develop your English skills

Free ESL Conversation around topics like the Bible, God & more.

We invite you to join us for "God Talks."

7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Mountain Time.

Join the Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1

Please plan to join us for the full 90 minutes.

Have a question about faith, God, or the Bible? We’d love to hear it.

  • No question is too big or too small – If you’re wondering about something, chances are others are too.

  • We’ll discuss your question in an upcoming God Talks session (you’re always welcome to attend - see the schedule below).

  • After we’ve discussed your question, we’ll post a video response on this page so you can hear the conversation.

Upcoming God Talk Dates:

What to Expect

We gather for about 90 minutes as a group. During this time, we introduce ourselves, briefly discuss a verse or passage from the Bible, and participate in conversation.

If you are searching for a community of friends and you want to gain more confidence in your conversational English, this group is a great place to start!

Want more information?

Call or text: (403)-389-6224
Email info@nbccalgary.com

  • Heidi's Story

    Allan, I want to say thank you. Because I live in Taiwan and the USA, I joined the North Calgary ESL Conversation Group online last year around October until now. My English conversation skills have improved a lot. When I chatted with people before I had to translate from my native language to English. Now I don't need to and I am so happy. Another reason I like this group is Allan prays for everyone if we need help. It's very good for me.

    If you live in North Calgary, you can meet in person or online via Zoom. I envy you. If you live in another country like me, you can join online via Zoom. Join the group, practice English, make new friends in the world and learn about different cultures. I recommend you join this group - it is worth it.

  • Osamu's Story

    Good gathering. Good people who teach us daily English. We can learn English as a second language and meet the warm-hearted.

  • Ahmed's Story

    The ESL conversation group is a great platform for those wanting to learn and improve their English conversation skills. Most of the time, you have the language skills but lack the confidence to exercise them. This group provides the opportunity to communicate in English without having to worry about being hassled like in typical social scenarios. I feel that my confidence level has increased drastically by participating in the discussions, and I’ve found the members to be very helpful and patient listeners. This is the one Meetup group I try to attend consistently, and I definitely recommend others to join this group regardless of the level of their English.