Theme: Choosing humility by Mitch and God’s provision by Kathryn.
Text:  1 Peter 5:5-11, 1 John 4:20, Revelation 12:10,11

In a world often consumed by pride and self-sufficiency, two individuals, Mitch Runne and Kathryn Seib, share their personal stories of humility, growth, and unwavering faith. Their accounts serve as a reminder that embracing humility and trusting in God's provision can lead to transformational experiences. Mitch emphasizes the importance of humility in his spiritual journey, while Kathryn highlights moments of divine provision that have shaped her walk with God.

Mitch Runne's Path to Humility

Mitch Runne's journey is a testament to the profound impact humility can have on one's life. He recounts his initial struggles while visiting the Philippines, where he felt offended and isolated due to language barriers. In this moment of vulnerability, Mitch realized that humility was a crucial lesson God was teaching him. Reflecting on 1 Peter 5:5-11, Mitch emphasizes the significance of humility as a virtue that opens the door to God's grace and counters pride. He explains that the Greek word for "resists" in the scripture means God comes against those who are proud. Mitch's personal struggle with pride led him to understand that true humility involves acknowledging one's struggles and seeking help from others, even when it's uncomfortable. He shares his journey of seeking guidance and support from mentors, ultimately leading him to recognize the importance of humility in his relationship with his wife and other aspects of his life.

Kathryn Seib's Journey of Divine Provision

Kathryn Seib's story revolves around the theme of divine provision during pivotal moments in her life. Her experiences underscore the idea that God is not only a provider but also a faithful companion who journeys alongside His believers. She recounts a time when she was planning to travel to the Philippines for a missionary opportunity but lacked the necessary funds. Unexpectedly, a stranger handed her two $20 bills, serving as a reminder that God is with her and will provide. This lesson resonated deeply with Kathryn and shaped her perspective on God's faithfulness. Over the years, Kathryn encountered similar instances where strangers provided financial support at critical junctures, solidifying her belief in God's unwavering presence and provision. These encounters taught her that God's provision goes beyond financial support; it extends to strength, guidance, and an unbreakable bond with His believers.

Shared Lessons and Reflections

Both stories highlight the transformative power of humility and God's provision. Mitch's journey of humility reminds us that admitting our vulnerabilities and seeking support lead to growth and grace. Kathryn's encounters with divine provision illustrate that God's presence is constant, guiding believers through challenges and uncertainties. Their experiences emphasize that embracing humility and trusting in God's provision are not passive acts but conscious choices that shape our spiritual journey.

Mitch Runne and Kathryn Seib's stories weave a tapestry of humility and faithfulness, demonstrating how these qualities intersect to shape one's spiritual path. Mitch's embrace of humility led him to seek guidance and support, enabling him to overcome his pride and grow in his relationships. Kathryn's experiences of divine provision serve as reminders of God's constant presence and care, emphasizing that He is always with us, providing in unexpected ways. These testimonies encourage us to humbly seek God's guidance, trust in His provision, and recognize the interconnectedness of our journeys as believers. In embracing humility and relying on God's faithfulness, we can navigate life's challenges with grace and gratitude.


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