How to Walk on Water

How to Walk on Water

This message explores the story of Peter walking on water, emphasizing obedience to God's word, stepping out of our comfort zones, keeping our focus on Jesus, and seeking help when facing challenges.

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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait 

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait 

In Acts 1:1-14, Jesus tells His disciples to wait for the promised Holy Spirit instead of charging ahead. Waiting humbles us, breaking our self-sufficiency. Trusting the Holy Spirit brings power to live Spirit-filled lives. Eternal results depend on obedience, surrender, and reliance on God's timing and power.

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Ears To Hear

Ears To Hear

People heard about the miracles and messages of a young teacher from Nazareth 2,000 years ago. Luke 8:4-15 describes the scene: While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable...

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