Upcoming events.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033896224?pwd=bCoj9A8YuQgnK8s6aZnbKU5X9sqNpJ.1
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
We will meeting in person at Pole’s house.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Tuesday Evening with Paul and Katie MacMunn is at Poles house.
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
We will meeting in person at Pole’s house.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Evening
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.
Prayer and Share Sunday Morning
Join us for a time of prayer, gathering, sharing testimony, and life updates with one another.
Our NBC Zoom meeting room is at https://zoom.us/j/4033896224, and the password is partners.
Our Meeting ID is 403 389 6224.